Before coding
What you'll learn
- How to navigate the source tree
- How to avoid merge conflict
- You don't need to create new branch to start your work
Navigate the source tree
The light blue badge marks the commit you are currently at. Any code changes will be based on that commit.
You can double click or right click on the badge to checkout the commit.
Pull and Rebase
The key to avoid merge conflicts is to pull and rebase regularly, keeping the differences between your ongoing work and the tip of the main branch to the minimal.
You can use drag-n-drop to rebase your commits, or use the Rebase button as a shortcut.
Create a new branch before coding? No need!
Wait what?
Because we want every commit to be mergeable and reviewable through pull requests:
- Superlog enforces one commit per branch
To make sure you have one commit per branch:
- Superlog enforces creating a new branch whenever you make a commit
This means your workflow is simplified to:
- Start coding
- Write commit message (and maybe branch name)
... as opposed to:
- Write branch name
- Start coding
- Write commit message
- (Maybe rename the branch)
« Superlog Essentials
2. After coding »