After coding
What you'll learn
- Using "Commit" button
- Using "Uncommit" button
- How to split a commit
- How to do git stash
- How to discard changes
Commit button
You can select which files and which lines you want to include in your commit.
Suprelog will create a new branch with random generated name evey time you make a commit, but you can provide your deseired branch name as well. This is equivalent to:
Equivalent git commands:
- checkout a new branch
- git add (selected changes)
- git commit
Uncommit button
You can use "Uncommit" button to undo the commit. This is equivalent to:
Equivalent git commands:
- checkout parent commit hash
- delete unused branch (local & remote)
- soft reset HEAD~1
- checkout current branch
Split a commit
You can easily split a commit, even the middle one, by uncommitting it and then commit again.
Git stash
There's no support for git stash in Superlog, because you can simply make a commit and uncommit it later.
Discard button
You can use "Discard" button to discard any selected changes.
Discard is not a recoverable operation, but your IDE might be able to undo the discard.
« 1. Before coding
3. Creating PR »